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Our Way of Working.

Committed to making IT tools a succes for you

Process design

Success in using software

A clear process design will boost the effectivity and efficiency of your (support-) operation. The side effect will be reduced fail costs, improved customer satisfaction and an improvement in safety.

Using the right IT tool can be an eminent factor in becoming in control of your core processes. The first factor of success of any IT tool is to select the right tool for your challenge which makes up just 33%. The next 33% is found in getting the right input data and configuration of business logic. The last and maybe most important 34% is making sure the operator is fully proficient in using the tool. This last item takes time, management effort, and a team driven to achieve mutual success. Our job is not done until all three aspects are fulfilled and we are committed to achieving that.

The continuous improvement cycle

The Deming Cycle of Continuous Improvement is a base for many successfull companies. This ever returning loop of Plan Do Check Act boosts progress over perfection. By training you in how to successfully implement PDCA in your organization you become more resilient. And for any complex aftercare or retraining, our implementation consultants are of course available to support you.


To deliver the most amount of value in the shortest timeframe Smart Solutions invented and has perfectionated the OneWeekChallenge (or OWC). The OWC is a pressure cooker quick scan method which can give you the objective insights in the state of your operations, processes, IT-readiness, culture and much more. This state will be benchmarked against the industry average and the optimum and will map the bottlenecks that are preventing you from achieving this optimum. All based on improvement projects at airports and aviation service providers worldwide, enriched with optimization software and deep industry knowledge. This OWC requires commitment in time and effort from all layers of your company. Hence, it will increase the sense of urgency in progressive manner. The proven methodology will start with a kick-off on Monday and will give you the insights and results by Friday.


The entire resource planning chain is always modular based. Smart Solutions can adapt and integrate to your existing toolset, by making use of API’s. There is no need to replace what’s good, and we can even help you to make use of your current tools better. Some tools that can help become more efficient and effective are:


Nett Capacity calculation tool consisting of >200 variables to give you the perfect insight in your demand curve.

ShiftGenerator & RosterGenerator

A powerful algorithm that outputs proven optimal anonymous shifts & rosterlines, based on your requirements and CLA.

Real-Time Planning

A module that automatically allocates staff to assignments that need to be done, based on the live flight schedule, giving you an optimal result every minute.

Employee holding forms in front of Schiphol Tower


Communication platform to read, enrich and share information for day to day operations enabling paperless and real-time communication.